All babies love water.
Before birth they have spent 9 months submerged in water in the womb. After birth we need to keep babies used to water in the face, eyes and ears, the sensations of buoyancy at different depths and also the distortion of sounds in water. This may not only prevent an early drowning but will also make the learning to swim process so much easier later.
Newborn: Bath Demonstration
Babies (0-6 months old) are given a bath lesson in the comfort of their home. This demonstration teaches parents how to keep baby water friendly and should be done as soon as possible after the 9 months spent submerged in the womb.
This method should then be practiced every day, turning the daily bath routine into a daily swimming session!
Take note that small baby baths are a big no-no. The large family bath, filled to the brim – is what is needed for the littlest one to be able to experience buoyancy and enjoy floating.
Only once baby’s immune system is established around the age of 6 months, may baby come into the swimming pool, accompanied by a familiar and trusted care giver like mom, dad, granny etc. These are then our WATERBABIES Courses for Babies & Toddlers (6 months-3½ years old):
BABY (6-12m) / TOD (12-39m)
SWIM COURSES (of 3 months only)
- January Course (Jan – Apr)
- September Course (Sep – Dec)
Choose any one or more of the following class times, only one per day:
- Mondays
- 17:00 – 17:30
- 17:30 – 18:00
- Tuesdays
- 15:45 – 16:15
- Wednesdays
- 11:15 – 11:45
- 11:45 – 12:15
- Thursdays
- 15:45 – 16:15
- Saturdays
- 13:00 – 13:30
- 13:30 – 14:00
WATERBABIES Classes for Babies and Toddlers (6 months-3½ years old)
- Parent + baby (6m – 3½ yrs)
- Sing-song group approach: the songs tell the parent and child exactly what to do.
- In 1.2m shallow warm indoor pool
- Usually 30 minute sessions once/twice or even 3 times per week
- Every course ends with a delightful Family Awards Sunday:
usually on the first Sunday in December and again towards the end of April, where the whole family is invited to share in the babies’ progress at swimming and safety.
Camille Honiball is our experienced Baby instructor who has taught babies since 1994, without interruption.
She has studied different approaches in depth:
- Elizabeth Smith-Clothier’s Baby Course in 1994 in Durban, KZN.
- Nell White from Cape Town‘s Aquatots® as from 1998.
- Enid Whelan’s PBSTA Course as from 2012, Edenvale, Johannesburg.
- SwimAmerica®’s Baby Program presented by John Leonard, December 2013.
Camille has also observed other harsher techniques online and has formulated her own gentle approach which she also applied to her own baby from 1994 on wards.