Swim studio

For all ages: from 3yrs old to any age, adults too!
For all skill levels: from Beginners to Advanced Olympic Strokes

Mondays to Saturdays, with transport provided only during the week of school terms from most Primary Schools, Pre-Schools and Day Care Centres in Newcastle.

Globally there are approximately 42 drowning deaths every hour. It is one of the 10 leading causes of death for people aged 1 – 24 in every region of the world. In South Africa 600 children die every year from drowning, 10 times this number will survive a drowning experience, but not all of them will fully recover, they may have brain damage or be in a coma. Swimming therefore is an essential life skill that everyone should master, not only due to the water safety aspect but also because it provides an amazing opportunity for lifelong recreation and fitness.

We use Camille’s unique method of teaching techniques on land first, before applying them in the pool. Then teachers accompany swimmers into the pool for hands-on teaching and directing of the correct techniques.

Our first objectives are the safety and proper foundation skills:

  • entries and exits of pools
  • exhaling in water
  • getting used to no gravity
  • discovering one’s buoyancy
  • front and back float with recovery
  • using leverage
  • streamlining as the essence of effective swimming

We always following the principle of “technique determines distance”: thus we do not allow swimmers to swim distances with wrong techniques, it is corrected on the spot.
As we work in buddy pairs – in our 1.2m deep pool that was custom built for teaching – the maximum number of beginner swimmers per instructor could be 6 swimmers, although it rarely is that many.

We have found that children that are fetched by the Swim Studio in their school groups definitely learn better and faster. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Children learn best from copying others
  2. There is healthy peer pressure to also be able to do what the others do
  3. The school’s learning environment is just extended to the pool
  4. Parents are not present for children to try every possible ‘escape route’
  5. The attendance rate is much better, as unforeseen personal things do not get preference as could happen when mommy or daddy has to bring them for lessons.

All our teaching lead to the four recognized Olympic Strokes and along the way the swimmer will get completely safe in and around water. A very strict test will then recognize that the swimmer is as safe as a tadpole.

Once a swimmer is a tadpole, he/she will then move on to the Advanced Class doing lengths of the pool, where emphasis is on developing and establishing the four Olympic Strokes, in order of backstroke, freestyle (currently the front crawl), breaststroke and butterfly.

Swim studio Newcastle


As most parents work during the day, the Swim Studio saw the need to provide transport for swimmers from most schools, Pre-Schools and Day Care facilities to our pool and back to school or After Care again.

From the time your child is collected from the school, we act as ‘parents’ of the child to ensure safety and loving care. Parents may also collect their children straight from us after swimming if it were to be closer for them.

We have a set route across town and the possible times are given to parents in writing in our flyers. Transport arrangements between parent, the Swim Studio and the learner’s usual transport taking them home everyday, need to be in place before this will be done.

Swim Studio - Learn to swim
Swim Studio - Learn to swim
Swim Studio - Learn to swim